Posts Tagged: waterfalls

  • Photography, Travel

    Photographing the Palouse Day 2

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    Day two photographing the Palouse had Lee and I back up on Steptoe Butte to shoot the sunrise. That meant waking up at 4:40am to get up there in time. It was however most certainly worth it. We got to witness a spectacular deep red sky as the valley woke up below us. As the… Read more »

  • Hikes

    Hike to Norvan Falls and Coliseum Mountain

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    Went for a hike yesterday with my Brother Rob, and my buddy Rob in Lynn Canyon. It was my first hike of the year so I wanted something pretty easy with the option of going a bit harder if I was feeling up to it. Norvan Falls and the Coliseum provided just that. The initial… Read more »